DarkSUSY Documentation

The most complete description of the physics going into DarkSUSY is

T. Bringmann, J. Edsjö, P. Gondolo, P. Ullio and L. Bergström,


P. Gondolo, J. Edsjö, P. Ullio, L. Bergström, M. Schelke and E.A. Baltz,
JCAP 07 (2004) 008 [astro-ph/0406204]

Please refer to this if you use DarkSUSY. Please also remember to cite the original work, which you use from DarkSUSY.

You can also look at the manual in pdf format (or a long version with routine headers: Manual-long.pdf).

You can also take a look at the talk describing DarkSUSY 5.0 given at Tools 2008.

We will add more up-to-date tutorials here later.

Last modified 2018-06-13.