DarkSUSY Nagoya tutorial

In preparation for the DarkSUSY tutorial at the KMI School in Nagoya February 28 - March 2, 2018, here are some instructions on how to install DarkSUSY. Note that this tutorial will use the all-new DarkSUSY 6, released on February 13, 2018.

It is important that you install DarkSUSY before the tutorial so that we can start with physics problems at the school. If you have any troubles with the installation, please send an e-mail to Joakim Edsjö.

There are (at least) three ways to install DarkSUSY, I list them in order of preference below:

Option 1: Install DarkSUSY locally on your machine

This is the preferred option as it gives you the best performance and easy access to both DarkSUSY and other tools you may need on your computer. It should work on most Linux/Unix systems and on Mac OS X. You need to make sure to have compiler tools installed (make, gfortran, gcc, g++ etc).

On Linux systems

On most Linux systems you typically have part of this installed already out of the box, but on some systems you need to install them. This i usually done with a pacakge manager (e.g. apt-get on Ubuntu). You also need perl. For some of the tutorials you also need to have autoconf installed.

On Mac OS X

On Mac OS X you need to install Xcode and the command-line tools (xcode-select --install). You also need to install gcc, g++ and gfortran. This can be done from either MacPorts or homebrow or by downloading the binary tar-files from here.

DarkSUSY installation

Download darksusy-6.0.0.tar.gz from darksusy.org (click 'Downloads' and then select the current release).

Unpack it, configure and install

tar zxvf darksusy-6.0.0.tar.gz
cd darksusy-6.0.0

and then test the installation by

cd examples/test

It takes about a minute to run and should end with something like

 The DarkSUSY test program ran successfully
Total time needed (in seconds): 50.842514999999999
Total number of errors in dstest: 0

The time will of course depend on your machine. If you want to know more about DarkSUSY 6 before the school, please take a look at our paper (arXiv:1802.03399) and the manual.

Option 2: Install DarkSUSY on Ubuntu via VirtualBox

This option means that you install Ubuntu as a virtual machine on your comptuer. On that virtual machine, you then install DarkSUSY. The advantage is that you can then run Linux even if your host computer runs some other operating system (like Mac OS X, Windows, or some other variant of Linux/Unix). If you are already on Linux, there is little advantage of using a virtual machine, but if your installation under option 1 fails, this provides a more controlled environment where the DarkSUSY installation should run smoothly. In this option, I will outline the steps you need to take to get this virtual machine installed and up and running. In option 3, I will provide a virtual machine where DarkSUSY is already installed, so if you want to skip ahead you can go there directly. It might be better though to install it from scratch as the installer most likely will configure your system better (e.g. setting up you keyboard and other system settings correctly).

To install VirtualBox and Ubuntu, do the following

Go to virtualbox.org and install VirtualBox for your system.

Set up a new virtual machine, give it name and select that it should be Linux and Ubuntu (64 bit). It is probably a good idea to give your virtual machine at least 3 GB of RAM and 10 GB of disk space.

Download the Ubuntu 17.10.1 disk image (the latest version as of this writing) from ubuntu.com (select Downloads on the top-right and then download the disk image of the latest 17 release).

Start you new virtual machine by clicking on the 'Start' button in VirtualBox. It will then ask you for a disk image of the Ubuntu installation. Choose the file you downloaded above and install. In this process you also create a user and select a password (be sure to remember the password as you need it later).

When you are logged in to your machine, open Firefox, go to darksusy.org and download darksusy-6.0.0.tar.gz (as above).

Unpack it by opening a terminal (right-click or option-click on the desktop and select 'Open terminal') and then type

tar zxvf ~/Downloads/darksusy-6.0.0.tar.gz

You then need to install the relevant compiler tools and compilers, do this by typing (and give your password and answer yes to the questions asked):

sudo apt-get install gfortran
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get install autoconf

You are then ready to configure and make DarkSUSY (see above for more details)

cd darksusy-6.0.0.tar.gz
cd examples/test

Option 3: Use a pre-setup Ubuntu disk image with DarkSUSY pre-installed

This option is in principle the result when executing the commands under option 2. In this option, you still need to install VirtualBox as above. Then download my pre-setup Ubuntu with the compiler tools, compiler and DarkSUSY already installed: Ubuntu17-DarkSUSY.tar.gz (note, it is a large download, 2.6 GB).

Unpack this tarball by either double-clicking on it or executing (in a terminal)

tar zxvf Ubuntu17-DarkSUSY.tar.gz

Then start VirtualBox and select to start the virtual machine in your Ubuntu17-DarkSUSY folder. In this installation, you log in with these credentials

Username: darksusy
Password: dstutorial
You probably need to configure Ubuntu to match your system (like keyboard setup).

Final comments

If you have managed to get DarkSUSY up and running by following any of these steps your are well prepared for the DarkSUSY tutorial at the school. If you have any troubles, please contact me by e-mail.

Joakim Edsjö, 2018-02-17